How to Get Instant Yahoo! Mail Alerts of New Messages?

Busy working on another browser window or program on your desktop but doesn’t want to miss an incoming email in your Yahoo Mail account? Well, Yahoo Mail lets you do so with ease. Whether you are playing a game on your Smartphone or working on a program on your desktop PC, with Yahoo Mail account, you would never need to miss any of your incoming emails. To know how to stay updated with your incoming emails in your Yahoo Mail account with checking it, again and again, follow the step-by-step instructions provided below.

Steps to Receive Notifications for Incoming Emails in Yahoo Mail on Desktop

In Classic Yahoo Mail

  • Open a web browser on your desktop and sign into your Yahoo Mail account.
  • After signing in, click on the Gear icon located on the top-right corner of your screen.
  • From the drop-down menu that appears on your screen, click on the Settings option.
  • Under Settings window, click on the Viewing email
  • Under Viewing email section, click on the checkbox next to “Enable desktop notifications for” option under Desktop notifications

NOTE: You can select either “All emails” option or “Only emails from people” options to receive desktop notification.

  • After making the desired changes, click on the Save button to save the changes.

In New Yahoo Mail

  • Sign into your Yahoo Mail account on your browser.
  • Click on the Gear icon located on the top-right corner of your account.
  • From the drop-down menu, click on the Settings
  • Under Settings window, go to the Notifications section and toggle the “Desktop notifications” on (Slide Right) or off (Slight left).
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NOTE: If you are still not able to receive desktop notification for your incoming emails, make sure that your web browser is allowing notifications.

Steps to Notifications for Incoming Emails in Yahoo Mail on Mobile App

  • Launch Yahoo Mail app on your
  • Once the app gets opened, tap on the Menu icon (Three Horizontal Lines).
  • Selecting Settings option from the Menu.
  • Next, go to the General section and tap on the Notifications
  • Under Notifications section, tap on the slider button to enable the notifications.

NOTE: If the color of the slider button is blue in color, it means that it is enabled; however, if the slider color is grey, it means it is disabled.

After enabling notifications in the Yahoo Mail app, you will need to activate the same in the device settings. Here are the steps:

For Android

  • On your Android device, tap on the Settings
  • Under Settings option, tap on the Applications
  • Next, go to Application manager and select Yahoo Mail option.
  • Then, select Show notifications option to enable it.

NOTE: The steps may vary depending on the device being used. You may contact the device manufacturer for details instructions.

 For iOS

  • On your iOS device, tap on the Settings
  • Select Notifications option and tap on the Yahoo Mail
  • Next, slide the Allow Notifications option to the right-hand side to enable the option.
  • Then, you can also decide as for how you wish to get notified for the email, simply slide the options to the right for the desired options (given below):
    • Shown in Notification Center
    • Sounds: (You will hear a sound or feel vibrations (depending on the sound settings) each time you receive an email).
    • Badge App Icon: You will see an unread message counter on the application.
    • Show on Lock Screen
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So, these are the different ways to receive notification for your incoming email in Yahoo Mail account on Desktop and mobile app.

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