Mediacom Email Settings For Outlook

If you are using Microsoft Outlook on your computer and wish to set up your Mediacom Mail on it, you can do so easily by following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide. The process to set up your Mediacom Mail on Outlook is quite easy. All you need to do is add your Mediacom Mail to Outlook using the Account settings of the latter. Here are the instructions that will help you easily connect your Mediacom Mail on Outlook.

Steps to Mediacom Email Set Up on Outlook

For Newer Versions

1.) On your Microsoft Outlook program, go to File > Account Settings > Account Settings option. You will be directed to the Account Settings page of your Outlook account.

2.) Under the Account Settings page, you will need to click on the New button located on the left-hand side.

3.) Next, you will need to select the “Manually configure server settings or additional server types” option.

4.) Then, you will need to select Internet E-Mail option and enter the following information in the relevant fields:

User Information

  1. Your Name: Enter your name (this will display in the “From” field when you will send email).
  2. E-mail Address: Enter your complete email address

Server Information:

  1. Account Type: POP3
  2. Incoming Mail Server:
  3. Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):

Logon Information:

  1. User Name: Enter the first part of your Mediacom email address (the part before the “@” symbol).
  2. Password: Enter the password of your email ID
  3. After entering all the information in the relevant field as instructed above, you will need to click on the More Settings… option located on the lower left corner.
  4. In the E-mail Settings box, go to the Outgoing Server tab and select the checkbox next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.
  5. Next, select Log on using option and enter the following information:
  6. User Name: Enter your email address (only the first part before the @ symbol)
  7. Password: Enter the password of your email ID.
ALSO READ Email Set up for Android, iPhone, and Outlook

NOTE: Make sure to select Remember Password

  1. Then, go to the Advanced tab and select SSL for both Outgoing and Incoming mail. Enter 587 in the SMTP Port (Outgoing) and 995 in the POP3 port (Incoming).

NOTE: Make sure

  1. After that, you will need to click on the OK button and then on the Close option.
  2. Finally, you will need to click on the Test Settings option. If the Test Settings get completed successfully, it means your Mediacom Mail account has been configured to your Outlook Program successfully.

So, this is how you can easily configure your Mediacom Mail account in your Outlook program.

For Versions 2007 and Older

  1. In your Outlook program, click on the File option and select the Add Account
  2. The next step depends on the version of Outlook you are using.
S.No. For Outlook for Office 365 and Outlook 2016 For Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010
1. Enter your email address in the provided field and click on the Connect option. Enter your name, email address, and password, and then click on the Next button.
2. In case you are prompted to enter your password again, simply select OK and then Finish option to begin using your Mediacom Mail account in Outlook.

Sometimes, you may need to make some changes to the email account settings. If you have a new password, or if your email provider has requested you to change settings, or in case you are having problems with sending or receiving emails from your Mediacom Mail account, you can make the changes to your email account settings in a few steps.

  1. In your Outlook program, select File option from the top-left corner and select Account Settings > Account Settings option from the menu that appears on your screen.
  2. Next, choose the email account you wish to change and then select the Change
  3. Once you are on the settings page, you can update your incoming and outgoing server names, your name, your email address, your user name, and your password. If you need to change your SSL settings or your port settings, go to More Settings
  4. Common settings which you might need to update are on the Outgoing Server tab and Advanced
  • In case you are having trouble sending an email or if you are receiving messages regarding your Outgoing server, you will need to make sure that you have checked the box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.
  • To update the Incoming and Outgoing Server Ports or SSL settings, you will need to go to the Advanced
  1. After you are done updating your Settings, simply select OK > Next > Finish option.
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NOTE: In case you need to add your Mediacom Mail account using advanced settings, you can make use of POP or IMAP email account in Outlook for PC. Here are the steps:

Setup Mediacom Mail on Outlook via POP or IMAP Email Settings

  1. Launch Outlook and choose File > Add Account
  2. On the next screen, you will need to enter your email address, choose Advanced options, and a select the checkbox next to Let me set up my account manually and choose the Connect
  3. Then, select your Account type and select IMAP from the given options.
  4. You will find the Account Settings screen pre-populated with most of the account settings you need. Simply enter your Incoming and Outgoing server settings in the provided field and choose the Next
  5. After that, simply enter your Mediacom email password and select the Connect Your Mediacom Mail will be configured to Outlook via IMAP.

And, this is how you can easily connect your Mediacom Mail account to your Outlook program via IMAP settings.

3 thoughts on “Mediacom Email Settings For Outlook”

  1. My Mediacom account using Outlook will receive email buy will not send it. I have tried to fix this through Mediacom tech support for 2 weeks & they say if I can use their webmail then I have to get help from Outlook. That’s like trying to get Bill Gates personal phone #. Since half the world uses Outlook, you would think that Mediacom could help but they can’t/won’t. I don’t think they know what Outlook is. They also lock you out after 3-4 attempts, so you have to start over with (yet another) password. You also can’t get past some young foreign girl with 2 week training (that you can’t understand), and you will play hell trying to get to tier 2 support. Mediacom problems occur regularly even though you haven’t made any changes to your PC. Get away from Mediacom – use Gmail & you won’t have these problems. They are a disgusting bunch of amateur technicians, and they are WAY too expensive and they won’t call you back even though promised. It is a crappy email service

  2. I also have the same issue. I can receive email in outlook but cannot send one out. Quite frustrating! I have not even bothered calling MC as I know what the response will be.


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