How to Set Up Auto Login in Windows7?

Instead of entering your pin or password to access your Windows computer, you can set up an auto-login feature for your computer. With the auto-login feature enabled on your system, you won’t have to enter a password or pin each time you wish to access your account. While this feature is very useful for users who need to access their account frequently, however, this will also make your computer and its contents accessible to others. If this isn’t an issue in your case, you can follow the below-mentioned instructions to easily set up Auto-login for your Windows computer.

Steps to Set Up Auto-Login for Windows 7, 10 Computer

1.) To begin with, the setup process, go to the Advanced User Accounts program.

For Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, you will need to enter the command “netplwiz” in the Run dialog box. You can open the Run dialog box by pressing WINDOWS + R key on your keyboard or you can access it from the Power User Menu followed by clicking or tapping on the OK button.

NOTE: For Windows XP, you will need to enter the command “control userpasswords2”.

2.) Now, deselect the checkbox next to the option – Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.

3.) Next, click on the OK button located at the bottom of the window and enter the username you wish to use for automatic login when the Automatically sign-in box appears on your screen.

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NOTE: If you are using a Microsoft account for your Windows 10 or Windows 8 system, make sure to enter the complete email address in the username field.

4.) Then, enter the password you used to sign in to Windows in the Password and Confirm Password fields.

5.) After that, click on the OK button. This will close the Automatically sign-in and User Accounts windows.

6.) Finally, you will need to restart your computer. You can see whether or not Windows is automatically logging you in.

So, this is how you can activate the automatic login feature for your windows computer. However, if your computer is a member of a domain, you will not be able to set up your system with an auto-login feature by following the above-given steps. In such a case, you will need to follow the below-mentioned instructions.

Steps to Set up Auto Login When Your Computer is the Member of a Domain

When you have your computer as a part of a domain, for example – the computer you use in your company, your credentials are stored on a server managed by the IT department. That is why you are not able to activate the auto-login feature for such a computer using the above-given instructions. In such a case, you can try enabling it by following these instructions.

1.) Launch Registry Editor on your computer. You can get to this option by typing “regedit” in the search box after clicking on the Start button.

2.) Under the Registry Editor window, select the option HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from the left-hand side panel followed by the Software.

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3.) Under the Software folder, go to Microsoft > Windows NT > Current Version > Winlogon.

4.) After selecting Winlogon, find the registry value of AutoAdminLogon located on the right-hand side panel.

5.) Next, double-click on the AutoAdminLogon and change the Value data from 0 to 1. Then, click on the OK button.

6.) After that, simply restart your computer and follow the standard Windows auto-login instructions provided in the above steps.

And this is how you can complete the process. However, if it doesn’t work, you may need to manually add a couple of registry values yourself. Here are the instructions.

1.) Go back to the Winlogon option in the Registry Editor.

2.) Next, assuming that the following entries don’t exist, add the string values of DefaultDomainName, DefaultUserName, and DefaultPassword, To add a new string value, go to Edit > New > String Value.

3.) Then, set the Value data as your Domain, User Name, and Password respectively.

4.) After that, restart your computer and check if you are able to use the auto-login without entering your normal credentials.

Well, these are the workaround to set up the Auto-Login feature on your Windows computer.

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